These photos are of pieces in my personal collection. Unfortunately it is now almost impossible to find more high quality pieces like these. This may change sometime in the future if mining starts again near Puttapa. I’ve been asked many times whether I’d be willing to part with pieces like these … and the pressure is starting to have an effect. You might want to send me an email! As they say, “Watch this space!” (Updated Jul 2022)
Most (all?) of the willemite fluoresces and phosphoresces blue under SW, and yellow under MW.
11 Photos
These four little pyramid shaped rocks broke just the way they are when I sledged a larger rock. The field of view of the photo is about 12cm (4.5 in).
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This rock may have different minerals to those found in other Puttapa specimens. Fluorescence and phosphorescence under SW & MW are not the same as other Puttapa pieces.
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Probably all willemite with a small helping of calcite (fl red).
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The smallest specimen on the website. It is only ~~ x ~~ x ~~ mm. The blue is smithsonite, the red probably calcite, the rest unknown.
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This little piece is one of my all time favourites. It is only ~~ x ~~ x ~~ mm, but has provided many amazing photos.
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Fluorescent fossils from the Ajax (copper) Mine Fossil Field, on a hill a few hundred metres from the Puttapa pit.
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