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When you click on a rock you will see a gallery of photos of it. Click on a photo in the gallery to enlarge it, and click it again to go back.
To go back to the list of minerals for sale, use your browser’s back arrow.
In the galleries:
Puttapa means Puttapa Zinc Mine, South Australia, Australia
Aroona means Aroona Zinc Mine, South Australia, Australia
Third Plain means Third Plain Zinc Deposit, South Australia, Australia
Australian States:
NSW (New South Wales), SA (South Australia), WA (Western Australia), NT (Northern Territory).
Photo Captions:
S = Short Wave, M = Mid Wave, L = Long Wave
SP, MP, LP = Short Wave, Mid Wave, Long Wave Phosphorescence
If you’re not familiar with grams and kilograms, 30gm is about 1 ounce and one kilogram (1,000gm) is a bit over 2 lbs.
To avoid possible disappointment, before ordering make sure you have read the sections on Brightness, Close-Ups and Phosphorescence.